My Blog

Are we responsible for Coronavirus? Human! Creator or Destroyer?

Today I do not want to say anything about the corona virus, that is known to the whole world. How to wash hands, how to take care, we should stay at home, increase social distancing, etc. But today I have to ask, that all this is happening in the world, someone has wondered why it is happening?

I remember, when I was younger, I used to go to a small temple with my grandfather. This was his daily routine. But even in that small temple, I used to feel the presence of God from my heart. It was such a holy time. Does this feel like this in temples today?

Let me tell you one incidence, It was just 2 years ago, I went to Shirdi to visit Sai Baba temple. That temple is very big in a few years, so the devotees who come, they have to stand in a line for a long time, So, there is a facility of fans, washrooms, etc inside the temple area. My child wanted to visit washroom so I took her. Can you imagine what did I see there? I saw sanitary napkins thrown in the washroom. I was shocked. How could a woman visit the temple when she has periods? I am not orthodox but I do follow the rules of my community, my society.

And one more thing, nowadays big temples like Shirdi, Tirupati have a separate room where dozens of people do the work of counting notes. Does God want wealth from us? Does he want our money? What is happening in this world?

My grandmother was saying one day when she came to know that I have thyroid, “In your generation, along with new technology, we get to hear the name of new diseases, we never heard these names in our time!

Can you tell me, why were there not all these diseases at that time? Because at that time man was happy even in a small amount of money. He did not crave for anything and was not sad to lose anything. People used to help each other from the heart. There was no atrocity, there were no rapes, animals were not tortured, in fact those people worshiped animals too.

In our Hindu culture, the animals that we worship, People of other countries eat those animals. This is very shameful and a sign of the destruction of the world. I do not want to say here only about Hindu culture, but I do not think that in the Bible or Quran also, snakes, cockroaches, bats, dogs, cats and whatever else our ancestors which are monkeys, would have allowed them to eat.

Shri Krishna said in the Gita, this will happen after a few years of Kalyuga. Human beings will not care about nature, it will be tyrannical, the season will not be on time, people will be sick due to their own increased pollution and a time will come when all is over. And the amazing thing is that what I read is happening for many years.

My only request is to understand all these things carefully with time, there is still time. Plant trees to save the earth, not just to appear on social media. Today, the corona virus has shown us that technology also succumbs to the natural disaster. Grow organic, eat healthy. Stop hybrid cultivation. Together, we can fight all kind of diseases.

I believe that I am also responsible in this condition of my earth and I will try my best to change it. Do you believe?

So let us try our best to save this beautiful creation of Brahma Ji, to protect our earth, to save it. Respect each other, protect other creatures like us, do not kill animals just for our benefit. Do not harm anyone for money. Life is everything.

My Blog

Today’s Education System

I still remember my beautiful school days. We studied, we enjoyed, we played, we learnt a lot of things but with discipline. And when it comes to discipline, It is very important to set some ground rules and the disciplinary  actions enforcement if those rules are not being followed. This is what we learnt. But nowadays some different rules I am observing at schools. We should not scold any child, we should not punish children, and many more. It’s ok fine I don’t have any problems with these rules but sometimes it becomes necessary to punish, to scold. I am completely agree that corporal punishment are not good but there are many other ways also.

Teachers have become a puppet for Management and Parents. They cannot take their own decisions. They have to follow what management says and management follow what parents says. I never remember my parents ever met my teachers or principle for any nonsense reasons. If I ever got less marks, they would ask ME the reason behind it not to the TEACHERS.

One of the PTM’s, one parent asked my colleague, ” Ma’am, why my child got so less numbers? I have paid 1 lakhs fees. ” Another asked, “Ma’am why my child doesn’t finish his lunchbox. everyday? ” I was like🤔🤔😳😳… Now tell me, can you answer this kind of questions? What is the main moto of PTM? of course not for discussing fee structure or lunch boxes.

What has happened to Parents now a days? If parents will not respect teachers in front of their kids, how that child will be able to respect?

We learned since childhood,  “गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥” and we followed this gurumantra. But I feel very sad to say this that today’s generation doesn’t even know the meaning of this.

As long as I work in teaching field, I will try my best to teach my students the meaning of this mantra as well as I will try to mould them in such way that one day they should remember me as their best teacher.