Essays / Paragraphs, Lessons / Stories

Class – 10 ( CBSE ) English Solved Paper ( Writing & Grammar Section)

Complete the story in 150 — 200 words, which begins as the following, Providing an appropriate title also.             (10 Marks)

  1. Once upon a time, a thief hired a room at an inn, and stayed there for some Days on the look-out for something to steal. No opportunity, however, Presented itself until one day when there was a festival to be celebrated.


2. Once there was an old man. He had three sons. They always quarreled with One another.

Answer for Story – 1

The Thief and the Innkeeper

Once, a thief hired a room at an inn, and stayed there for some days on the look-out for something to steal. No opportunity, however, presented itself until one day when there was a festival to be celebrated.

“People often carry and wear precious things on celebrations,” he thought to himself.

Just then, he saw the innkeeper appearing in a fine new coat. He sat down before the door of the inn for an airing. No sooner did the thief set his eyes upon the coat than he longed to get possession of it. But he could think of no way to steal it, so he went and took a seat by the side of the innkeeper and began talking to him while his mind worked on how to get his job done.

They conversed together for some time and then the thief suddenly yawned and howled like a wolf. The innkeeper asked him, in some concern, what ailed him.

The thief replied, “Why I have these fits of yawning, I cannot tell. But whatever the reason, the fact is that all the three times I have yawned, I became a ravenous wolf and pounced at men’s throats.”

As he finished speaking, he yawned a second time and howled again as before. The innkeeper, believing every word of it and terrified at the prospect of being attacked by a wolf, got up hastily and started to run indoors but the thief caught him by the coat. The innkeeper, mad with the fear of being eaten up by a wolf, slipped out of
his coat and left it willingly in the hands of the thief.    

Answer for Story – 2

The Powerful Fire

Once, there was an old man who had three sons. They always quarreled with one another. The old man was growing weak and feared that after his death; his three sons would not live in peace. He wanted them to understand the power of unity. He called his three sons and said, “Dear sons, I am nearing my death; I fear that the way you fight amongst yourself, you may not be able to take care of the family business well. Therefore, I have decided to assign a task to each one of you. The one who succeeds shall get the business.” The sons agreed.

Each son was given a box which contained a tool for the task. One box had a bundle of sticks, the other had some kerosene and the last one had a match box. The father asked each of them to build a fire using only the things they obtained in their own box. The three of them were surprised when they opened their boxes. None could accomplish the task working alone. After much deliberation, they decided to complete the task together and were able to build a fire. The old man smiled at them.